​​​​​​​Summer Sports

Summer Sports General Information

All teams are dependent on having sufficient numbers of students to enter teams into local competitions. Please encourage your student to register as soon as the sports become available. 

  • Coaches, Managers & Officials: Here at Freyberg we encourage tuakana teina by supporting our Senior A Code team players, to take up one of these roles. We support them to become fantastic leaders and role models particularly in the Junior Space. They get coach development, Umpire development training, and support for pathways if they wish to proceed. That being said, we can always have more help!! If you are keen to talk about either of these roles, please contact the Sports Room. We would love to korero around what this could look like. 

  • Payment options can be discussed with the Sports Room and we encourage automatic payments.  

    Account name: Freyberg High School

    Account # 12 3143 0067863 00

    Reference: Your childs name and student ID #

  • Note: When a uniform is provided by the school it MUST be returned in a complete, clean and tidy condition at the end of each season. If lost or damaged a replacement cost will be charged. ​​​​​​​

Any questions please contact Golda or Amy in the Sports Room down C Corridor.